Here’s your slow burn fire today!
Have you ever noticed that as you’ve tried to go deeper with your trauma work, your spouse bristles a bit?
Perhaps the timing feels right for you to dig into why someone from the past hurt you, or even to repair a wound together, but they feel awkward or like it’s not safe or good to do so.
If you think about it, they’re just revealing where they’re at when they back off or get defensive. Instead of getting expansive with you, and allowing the insights and fireworks to go off in your relationship, they push back…
And this can hurt, in some cases, just as much as the original trauma, or it can feel like it. It may have you recoil and say, as I have said before, “No more vulnerability.”
And yet, I am here to remind you today. You are worth doing the work. So are they, however, and taking small, truly tiny even, steps is the best way forward. Not just for you but your family and marriage as well as they adjust. And if you need more resources, check out our freebies right here!
No one respects someone who switches everything on a dime in most cases, unless it’s a change everyone’s been desperate for.
But often, when it’s a change everyone needs, but it’s scary, it’s much harder. So here’s my deep dive tip for you this week as you fire up those sparklers of love in your life…
\This time it will stick, and you will make the changes you desire, and that your spouse also does not have to fear, as you pace, protect your love, and move forward with what you know you need and deserve as you give out the very best you can!