Finding the Most Loving Sexual Intimacy in Your Marriage with Expedition Marriage

It's fun as a marriage helper not to repair the broken pieces but also the parts that are not yet broken.

Yes, we can prevent issues when we do our work so I hope you'll set yourself up for success in your current relationship as you tune in to our
 show today. If you're seeking a relationship, I hope you'll listen to this episode and start off so much stronger because of these tips!

Therapists-turned-coaches Chris and Jamie of Expedition Marriage (Enneagram 9 and 6, respectively) are going to help you
on the Enneagram and Marriage Podcast to do both preventative and reparative relationship care. I love learning from them as they're at the stage right after me (long term marriage with no kids in the home anymore) and they're having so much fun out there and enjoy comforting connection together!

I'm so happy they join us today to talk about the depths of intimacy so couples can find not just a sexual release together but also love and trust overarching - experiences of far greater value than mere pleasure or simple survival.

They discuss how to move away from bedroom hierarchies, how to find closeness both between the sheets and in the everyday moments, and they recommend how to prioritize and plan your love as you seek to connect through the busy day!

They key word for all of this of course is prioritize. If you put your relationship in last place, it will fall apart over time.

Join us as we begin our week with these must-have tips and a renewal of our focus right here on this E + M Podcast!


Finding Spiritual Growth with the Enneagram w/Author Meredith Boggs


Instincts in Intimacy with Sexpert, Sam E. Greenberg, Enneagram 5