Learning to Leave Toxic & Trauma Behaviors Behind with Charisse Cooke, Enneagram 2

Today we're taking on a heated topic we ALL need - relating with a peaceful and loving countenance instead of toxic trauma patterns!


Yes, everyone has some degree of trauma and what we DON'T want to do is carry these patterns forward, wasting even one more precious second.


To help us to process, we're talking to London based attachment psychotherapist and influencer Charisse Cooke right here about toxicity and trauma bonding in relationships. 


There WILL be fears, hurts, and misunderstanding, and emotional regulation is key so we don't walk through our hurts by adding even more trauma.


Listen to today's show on Apple Podcast here!

Listen on Spotify here! 

Watch the ad-free version at YouTube!


Conflict w/2, 7, or 9 Spouse


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