Scott Allender Shares Emotional Intelligence Tools!!

What's preventing you from reaching your goals, from thriving personally, relationally, or at work? Can you actually pinpoint the biggest reasons?

Often our struggles are waaayy more than just circumstantial, and our stumbling blocks are nuanced and personal to us - in other words, there are some valid reasons why we get stuck in the same dysregulating patterns again and again.

The good news is, we love to dive deep here with you and to find your blocks together!

As we begin to marry the concepts of nourishing your inner world with making strides in business and your personal life, today we're doing so by increasing your emotional intelligence quotient!

Scott Allender, Enneagram 3, is here
on this pod to help you to do move your life, business, or family into a healthier direction with this truly deep dive into a 2.0 next-level Enneagram conversation about the defense strategies of each type and so much more as we discuss his brand-new book (this one will be featured in airports also so I'm extra excited for travelers finding this gem!) 

Tune in
right here to learn about his brand new book, The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence, and also about how you can truly find your way through the biggest blocks to purposes you're meant for.


Hopeful Reflecting


Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol, Erin Jean Warde, Enneagram 6