Stoke the Valentine’s Day fires

Today I’m going to remind you to dig a little deeper into this concept of truly loving your spouse by head, heart, and body triads, since we all differ a bit. 

Just like when you take a workout class, and your teacher is asking you to give it that extra push, so today we are stretching a little extra toward reaching in to your spouse or partner.

And also just like with your workout, your inner turning-towards behavior may look like just a fraction of an inch to the outside world but I know and you know how very meaningful every little half an inch really is.

Also, I want to say when you are doing that reaching, I know it burns!!! I am here with you, burning that endless love! (Cheesy but true!)

OK, so you’re with me on loving your partner well, and even pushing in a bit by now!

But HOW exactly can you lean into them to make this week and even this whole month more romantic?

Let’s talk about it in terms of triads, shall we?

If you love a type Eight, Nine, or One spouse or partner, don’t forget these are our justice types. They are looking for righting wrongs in the world - injustices if you will - and they’d love to recruit you to help their fave causes. Ask them how you can aid them in this loyal task even if you have different ones typically - they will melt when they learn you earnestly want to care for them and their causes!

If your spouse is a Two, Three, or Four allow them to stir love’s cup in you, at least part-time. This will take a concerted effort in your day and you may even feel the time is wasted on your heart type’s desires for connection. That is, until you remember that quality time together is actually our greatest reward and our greatest safety.

Lastly, if your spouse or partner is a Five, Six, or Seven, make sure you show them that you care about safety and wellness…maybe not to the extent that they do, but that you do have them in mind. They will grow in love and joy together when they can release their fears with you.

I’m here doing this with you and I don’t want to ever make you feel like you’re alone! Consider joining our membership community, The Collective to get even more resources and guidance along the way!

If this feels too daunting, don’t worry, you can always reach out to us for support and guidance here!


Life & Conversations with an Enneagram 9


Celebrate Valentine’s Day Well