4 Ways to Love from CS Lewis
While yesterday we feasted on Paczkis and other Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras treats, today on Ash Wednesday, we're remembering that often we scale in the darkness.
We remember that from dust we come and to dust we will return through the symbol of the ashes we scatter today at various holy moments across the world this week.
And yet, as Lauren Daigle's poignant lyrics above echo and as poet Jan Richardson so beautifully says in her writing, "Blessing the Dust,";
Did you not know
what the Holy One
can do with dust?
Yes, despite your challenges, there is hope. You are a beloved part of creation and you have a chance to lift your face up from the shadowy things haunting you to love.
On this mini-episode, we're talking about how we can love, yes even despite our fallibility, and how to be part of the healing in a hurting world, starting with the love shared right in your home foundationally.
We're talking about this here through the four encompassing and diverse ways of love based upon CS Lewis' creative work, The Four Loves.
Join us here as we practically bring home the concepts of eros, filial love, affectionate love, and agape love so you can see which ones you're thriving in and which ones you need support in with today's refreshing reminders.
We're also doing a brief reflection together here so we can engage with God for strength and encouragement on the journey together.