Bringing Desire Back to Marriage

When it comes to problems with sexual intimacy and marriage, there are often unstated issues that create a gap between partners.

This gap further often leads married people to hurt one another, whether passive-aggressively or overtly.

Hard as it is to admit sometimes, sexual dissatisfaction together in marriage leaves many people feelings distanced and ultimately lonely, hungry to find attachment in some capacity.

Though people and institutions do fail to love others well sometimes sometimes. It is an issue that’s been around for a longer time than any of us today in human society and it’s worth addressing indeed.

On this E + M
podcast, we talk about this together safely, with love and practicality, with the overarching purposes of bringing desire back to your marriage for both parties.

If a lack of desire is affecting your marriage and/or you're in leadership of any capacity, I hope you'll take the time to
listen in. I know it’s not one of our easiest topics. However, it requires bravery to take new steps and to think deeply versus just on the surface together in your marriage and the rewards are great as you lean in to close the gap of disconnection together as we focus on intimacy this month together!


Instincts in Intimacy with Sexpert, Sam E. Greenberg, Enneagram 5


Masculine and Feminine Energy in Marriage