Building Attraction + Desire in Marriage In & Out of the Bedroom Once Again

If you've ever had seasons of losing attraction over time in marriage, you're certainly not alone.



After months or years of building teamship and friendship or filial love along with parenting responsibilities, even the idea of attraction to one another may be taking a backseat.



This is a grave mistake.



Your attraction is a huge part of the spark of love you share together.



In contrast, when you stop caring about this part of life, a part of your deepest intimacy together is lost, the very part you share with no one else but each other.



This podcast helps you to rekindle attraction and teaches you the best physical, mental, spiritual, and hormonal tips for finding or re-finding one another in terms of attractiveness and also care cues. Unsurprisingly, according to research at The Huberman Lab and in attachment studies at large, humans connect most deeply with a partner who we sense deeply cares and holds us to be their one and only love - not someone who sees us as a means to an end.



Along with the details of what attracts couples to one another, you will learn right here that there are ALSO certain times of the month when both men and women are more attracted to each other (bonus, these times line up, too!)



Before you listen, one tip you can start with in terms of building attraction together is by scheduling your next date night, which in fact are good for more than just sexual attraction, by the way, if you click the source below, too.



Nearly 2 out of 3 spouses who frequently go on dates report that they are highly satisfied with their sexual relationship (68% for wives; 67% for husbands), whereas less than half of spouses who don't go on regular dates report similar levels of sexual satisfaction (47% for wives; 47% for husbands). (source) 



On this show, you'll also learn tips for how to build arousal and desire at other times of the month, medications that may be inhibiting your arousal, and of course, ways to build healthy intimacy outside of the bedroom to build the attraction and foreplay up also.



Tune in here! 


+ Need to know how you can talk about your sex life so you can find emotional safety, sexiness, and that special quality in your marriage, too? Our Deeper Dive episode today also talks about the 3 questions you MUST ask each other to emotionally connect in your marriage together in terms of your sexual relationship! Join us for the episode on Building Emotional Depth Together here here!



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