Enneagram 6 Deep Dive

"You don't have to be scared you're not enough, cause what we've got going is good." 

- Only Us, Dear Evan Hansen

As we delve deep into the complex and often anxious mind of an Enneagram 6 in life and marriage here and on the 6 podcast, the beloved and neurotically-minded character Evan Hansen comes to mind.  Granted so do Mark Twain, Bear, Julia Roberts, Bear Grylls, Dwight from The Office, and so many others that - I totally get - may seem wildly different from one another.

But don’t worry, there's a reason for that. 6s are a mystery type in many ways since they often have such a range - both a phobic (witty, neurotic, dependent, hilariously self-deprecating, masochistic) side and a counterphobic side (brave, audacious in the face of threat, surprisingly zany, wild, etc.).

And thus this is why 6s can be the most endearing of all of the types as well as seen as one of the most magnetic in relationships with their unique and unforgettable spirits!

Also, anyone who knows a 6 well knows that they are also loyal, caring, and have a huge heart to stand courageously strong in the face of trial - it’s just that it takes planning and time in pausing and thinking to get there.

This is because 6s can be the most brilliant strategists - planning and counter planning moves and "what if" scenarios! (6s have been preppers long before anyone else!!)

Unfortunately, with all of this strategy and planning often in excess, they can create issues that don't exist, sometimes including them positing things so dramatically that those issues come to pass, a doomed self-fulfilling prophecy.

We will help 6s to approach managing their beautiful survival skills with healthy trust step by step on
 this streamlined, clarity-bringing episode series.

As Jenn and I walk you through the ins and outs of the 6, our goal is to give you a detailed look at ways they can thrive and be refreshed in a life and marriage setting.

As we cover type 6 on this 
episode, we discuss:

  • The gifts and best traits of a 6

  • The three subtypes of a 6 (6s want to let go of feelings of self-distrust or extreme audacity, depending on subtypes)

  • How to manage the fear and the cowardice to preserve self (the passion and fixation of the 6)

  • How to forgive after a breach of trust so they can open up to true intimacy when they're ready for that.

  • The growth path for the 6 as they incorporate virtue and the best features from other complementary types (commonly called wings and arrows).

  • And perhaps most importantly, we share tips for type 6 individuals as they learn to bring their spouses and friends toward them in a manner that is not controlling or anxiously overwhelming to others, but as an open and free forum, so their partners are free to love them and to build trust together step by step.

  • Also, when the spouse can see that the 6 is actually trying to make sure everyone and everything is safe and accounted for, it’s a delight to see a 6 spouse feel so loved and cared for as they begin to appreciate the blessing of having someone who cares about every little thing so deeply.

As you explore the 6 in marriage to the depths, I hope you love the PDF guides we made for you also! The PDFs go even deeper than the podcasts for several hours of reading and learning about 6s in every season of marriage, in levels of relationship health and stress, tips for spouses, and so much more!

I hope you're sufficiently intrigued as you learn about the 6 so it makes you want to delve in deeper! Make sure you do exactly that as you listen to this podcast episode so that you can get a much better handle on how to both love a 6 the best, as well as, if you are a 6, to be the healthiest you can be.


Marriage Helper CEO Kimberly Holmes, Enneagram 3 Gives Hope in Conflict


Beatrice Chestnut on Instincts in Marriage Conflict