Excavating your soul with Travis and Jessica Vangsnes, 8-4

As we begin the season of waiting and anticipating the Christmas season (Advent) often felt more intensely this time of year, we share an episode today to help you dive into soul care and emotional health. 



Yes, just as holidays get crazy and worries can max out, you'll get to learn tips for mind, body, and heart, and even get to pray Thomas Keating's special “Welcoming Prayer” with my guests, E + M certified coaches Jessica and Travis Vangsnes (4-8 pairing) as a wonderful way to center into your day today in the very best way right here.


So instead of just allowing the sensations of Seasonal Affect Disorder or even just holiday dysregulation and chaos, grave sadness, or dark emotions and hurts to co-mingle without healthy processing, today I'm encouraging you to dive into this episode here for treasured tools and tips that will help to coregulate you.



Since this is a double episode (timestamp for the second episode: 47:00), we next get to learn from Travis Vangsnes, Type 8, about how men, yes even stoic men who are trying to keep a family surviving, can learn to excavate their emotions healthily.



We also ask a hard question here - what are tips for women to learn how to invite emotional processing in with husbands who were not socialized with it? (I'm already trying one of the great tips out, along with praying through the first part of the episode with you!)


Music in Marriage


An E + M Mini: Finding family gratitude w/holiday film fun!!