Mini-Ep: The Power of the Pause in Your Marriage for Each Type

We here on the Gulf Coast know a thing or two about the need for pausing during stressful moments, and especially the power of the pause, our topic on this E + M mini-episode.

I also loved seeing your answers fly through on Instagram last night to add to what each type does in a storm in our
new low-key Instagram series and as we learn to better understand and cooperate with one another's defense strategies.  

The truth is, when your instincts are on alert, what happens to your internal relationship "weather system" matters SO much to your relationship and family health!

This podcast sets your footing on high ground as we briefly discuss the power of the pause for all of us in general and also across Enneagram types. 

A few main points:

  • Pausing for a moment after your conversation partner finishes speaking can yield surprising benefits and help you find regulation.

  • Pausing doesn't feel natural when our bodies are in fight or flight but a pause and a deep breath can stop you from sharing something you can't take back

  • A pause may be particularly beneficial after someone has just insulted you, even just for a couple of seconds. It gives you both time to re-establish what just happened so you don't get further off track! You can be the one to reset. And if not you, who will? Don't leave this to random chance.

  • Each type has a different reason for needing to pause. Listen here for all of this in this mini!


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An exercise just for you