Self Care for Your Marriage

"My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary." Martin Luther

We almost always hear about body care as we talk about the new year and for good reason. We can be pretty gluttonous in the holiday feasting season and our bodies need refreshment. However, we are so much more than a body!

We have a heart and a mind to refresh also and on today’s Season 4 opener on the Enneagram and Marriage Podcast, we talk about that finding your rhythms and routines in all 3 areas. Do I say this because it’s all about you? No way! You’re important but so is everyone in your life and I truly do want you to lean into helping others sacrificially.

However, the truth is, if we play God and think we can do it all without sleep, without emotional processing, or without stopping to really plan out some healthy strategies, we can’t love others as well, and they’re gonna eventually see evidence of the lower quality, low-insight, exhausted, short-tempered, or scattered care we give.

I get that sometimes we have to press through and do our best but when we can stop and refresh ourselves, you’d be surprised at how much more you authentically and wisely yet lovingly bring to your people when you’re balanced and healthily shaping those priorities! You truly bring fuel and when they see your light and your care over them, they often come out of the shadows, too!

So whether it's music that refreshes your soul like it was from the Luther quote above, or like the Proverb below says, just attuning to your heart in a healthy way, take a listen to the podcast, and don’t forget to pop into your Enneagram and Marriage Glow Relationship Planner this week also so you can plan this care out with your spouse or partner also!!! 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

May you cast a beautiful glow on the world this 2022! Happy New Year!


Emotional Self Care Is For Everyone, Married or Single