Emotional Self Care Is For Everyone, Married or Single

This month, we're digging right into emotions as January is a time when we are all up in our feels. Right along with the bright hopes you have for a better year, you're normal if you're sometimes heading back (even within your rockstar goals!) to that feeling of a sense of loss as the days get shorter and life perhaps doesn't have that holiday glow. I certainly get it in my field. There's a cadence to this time of year when lots of texts are coming in for sessions as many experience feelings of regret, loss, and pain.

Let me comfort you if you're here. You are loved and you are most certainly not alone in this.
Today's podcast episode is going to help you find space again for both love and lament as you process and move toward your goals for a healthy and enriching life.

doing this topic full out too, with the beautiful soul, Enneagram 4, and author Elisabeth Bennett of Enneagram Life. Elisabeth wrote the 9 devotional books for each type on their growth journey and today she vulnerably walks us through her own story of love, pain, and the ongoing embalming of the emotional wounds we all carry even as we walk back into productivity and joy. This she has so prolifically walked out in her own life with her large volume of inspirational works and many Instagram accounts and offerings.

For the fellow Janeites out there, I realize she’s got the BEST literary name possible of all time out there to talk about the ways of love (the same name as the grounded, passionate heroine of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice)...

But this Elisabeth’s a hero in her own right.

She’s a type 4w5, making her arguably the most intense thinker and analytical feeler of all the types. Marriage to her logical type 1 hubby Peter has only made her life more passionate, interesting, and intense to say the least, in their varying ideals and creative expressions in the
1-4 Glow Pairing.

Elisabeth has tips both for those moments when you cautiously avoid your heart wounds as well as the times you stay there for too long there (I'm sure we're all guilty of both sometimes!)

So whether you’re balancing stoicism or romance,
this major heart episode is for you and your growth journey!

Love Loving Intentionally With You,


PS: Take a listen here!

PPS: Our pre-Valentine’s free marriage virtual E + M conference is here!


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