Tips + Cautionary Tales for Each Type in Sexual Intimacy w/Dr. Sam E. Greenberg

We've been studying intimacy all month and we couldn't leave our final episode in July without a full-of-depth episode on the actual research data for every personality type, both the more assertive as well as the more reticent types.

Listen to what each type chimed in to say in terms of both tips and cautionary tales as well 
right here!

Yes, we're digging in, knowing SO many of you just aren't comfortable voicing your needs. and so we're gently lifting the curtain on these issues so you can
learn with us right here on this pod!

(Always remember, as with any research, there's quite a bit of variety. However, the norms are often right on!)

Dr. Sam Greeberg, our guest, and who conducted the research, as many of you may remember, shared her tips on instincts and your sex life in marriage last July 18, and some of you asked for her to share even more so we're extra grateful for this time together!

Dr. Sam is not only back, but she's also celebrating her doctorate (wahoo!), and truly giving her precious time to us as an Enneagram 5 researcher on a topic many find too emotionally-laden to discuss. 


Intimacy Exercise


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