Your Way Through the Vices

I am so glad we got a chance to perspective-take together on the pod today, not particularly because I like throwing myself under the bus, lol, but because I like when we can look together and see ALL the threads.

Even when Melody heard Wes on the pod, she had yet another perspective to share.

And I bet in your family there are also a myriad - how helpful for us to not fight this but to allow. Allow your perspectives to shift a bit and as you do…

Expand to understand! Let their view sink in also!

It’s such a gift to our friends and family when we don’t push, especially when we try to hear our spouse’s heart (listen for their heart)!!

I also was fascinated by the fact that when you’re married, once you get started on working on your Enneagram work, your spouse can work against you.

This week, spend time in conversation together - or in a journal - walking through some obstacles you’ll likely face when you’re running into your Enneagram work!

Allow yourself some time to plan well so you can plan for triggers It will be so helpful! Add margin in also - even just five min a few times a day!

As we build YOU up today, remember that everyone has a perspective and that YOURS is important also! - and this is where the fire in you gets started - as you truly lean in to BOTH!

Find more ways to connect with your spouse in our 5 week relationship course or in our book, “Enneagram in Marriage.”


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Setting Healthy Boundaries