Where Are You Headed? Your Marriage Mission

Couples are always hearing about how they should love and serve their partner from the vantage point of doing the right thing.

Although there is certainly honor and important morality in this approach for us as we think upon the golden rule. Indeed, the couples I know want to be loved and appreciated, want to take pride in their connection, and want to be the oasis for one another, not simply just be stuck together like a ball and chain or in a contentious situation because they are people who are holding on my faith or duty.

When we treat marriage like it is this prison sentence of sorts instead, the world does not see the light of these two souls but instead see a sad, dark place with two people each largely avoiding one another in order to stay together in a purgatorial stance. 

Helping couples to understand more about their unique gifts together offers them added connection, added pleasure, added strength, and added meaning to their union brings me joy. I want to help you problem-solve from a more positive but sensitive and peaceful “find us” versus a “fix us” approach in my work and writing.


Your marriage has a unique gift NO ONE else has. You have two historical narratives from each family system they came from, and an ongoing story that must not be compared with others but must be nurtured with faithfulness and fun.

Keep this in mind as you work on your marriage mission and increasingly share your light together with the world instead of simply bringing your mutual suffering and shadow to it.

Don’t just give lip service. Come up with things that grab you both on a heart level. Think. Pray. Pause. Intentionally revisit.

Remember the Marriage Mission tool and assignment to help find your best glow together.


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