An E + M Mini: More Than Just Your Instincts
Let's dig just a bit today as we talk here and on the mini-pod about what could be more important to relationships than instincts...
First, instincts, as you well know, ARE deeply important, and practically speaking, are also deeply embedded.
You DO have an autonomic nervous system that helps you all day long today and that WILL try to protect you from harm.
You will instinctually filter and manage a lot of stress very well as you breathe and work and rest and play - and you're killing it, managing all that life throws at you quite well, if I may say...
(You are reading a counseling and coaching newsletter for your personal wellness, after all! Props!)
However, as I mention, this mini-pod reminds us briefly of something higher than sheer instinct. Gritty, beautiful love.
Love that watches their spouse's favorite show even when it's not theirs (this can't be underrated!), love that holds a hand of a friend at a hospital before surgery instead of golfing the back nine, love that works long hours to buy a wedding ring...
Yes, sometimes these things have their own deeper survival value too, but they all cost - and they're not basic instinct. There's a sacrifice involved, however small or big.
And instead of a philosophical apologetic on instincts versus altruism, my call to you today is simpler. First, yes, let your instincts protect you - since balance is ever elusive, find your rhythms.
But also...
Just love. Love your people. Care. Spend time with them, even when your first instinct tells you to just be selfish and play another round of Candy Crush. Let them see you are in it for them and not just you - yes, this will take some self-regulating. You'll be better for it.
Deeply invest in your person, your family, your legacy. Dig deeper than just instinct.
This podcast encourages you to do just that as we journey on together!