Finding Emotional Agility Together

What's your go-to when you find yourself upset? 



Many people haven't developed emotional agility yet. Instead of staying and working through the discomfort that necessarily happens in relationships when there are differing opinions (as there are in every relationship), they run straight into one of their vices and/or mental fixations.



Perhaps you relate. Maybe even with self-awareness, lately you've still been running to the cabinet for a refill of alcohol when you're upset, or to the cupboard for extra snacks to binge on when your spouse or family member says something that dysregulates you. 



Perhaps you seethe internally or find yourself anxious.



The sensation creeps in. Was it worth it to engage in conflict if this is what it leads to?



It's important to know that when we bravely face our issues and feelings, (we went through tips for both feeling and expressing emotions on Instagram this week type by type), we truly DO draw closer together. 



So yes, it's worth it. 



But you ALSO need bodily resourcing or you'll still run to unhealthy coping strategies. 



This self-soothing exercise I walk you through here on the pod helps you right here in the state of bodily unrest that often occurs when a conflict doesn't heal perfectly or when you've had a day that brings out the worst of your anger, shame, or anxiety.



Only when you become more embodied in a felt sense versus just mental awareness, will your body, mind, and heart truly feel safe. 



Join me here to expand your emotional agility for a few minutes right here in this mini-episode!



Listen on Apple here! Listen on Spotify here, or watch on YouTube!



Also, do you love time together learning? Don't forget! Our E + M masterclass certification is just around the corner! We're covering everything you need to be an E + M master or coach plus lots of extras and lots of time together! Sign up!  Use the code “MASTERCLASS” for $500 off. Payment plans accepted!


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